It's no secret that House or Electronic Dance Music in general has had a huge impact on the state of music in the last few years. It has reached the point that powerhouse business magazine "Forbes" felt the need to write an article on the House Music Phenomenon. Highlighting acts that include AfroJack, Avicii, and Calvin Harris the article touches on the impact the House/EDM Genre has had on the world. From Pop to Hip-Hop a variety of genres have embraced the culture, integrating the sound into music that would have been unheard of maybe 6 or 7 years ago. Within the last decade the genre which was more prevalent in Europe has made an impact on the American music scene. DJs such as David Guetta and most recently Skrillex have had a hand in making sure the masses know and are familiar with the product. SKAM Artist DJs like Manufactured Superstars and Nathan Scott specialize in EDM and travel the globe performing their sets in various venues, from the USA to the UK there is no slowing down the movement. Check out the Link to the article and a Nice mix from SKAM Artist Tony Arzadon below !
Click Here for The Forbes Article